A company which make high profit must pay excess profit duty to the government. 赢利高的公司须向政府交纳额外利得税。
America can therefore in the development of new energy technology, trade in excess profit, in order to earn$ out of circulation. 美国因此可以在新能源技术的开发、交易中获得超额利润,以此来赚回流转出去的美元。
Facing the excess profit in the strategic alliance, some firms want to get it, so it shapes the rent-seeking. 战略联盟中的超额利润是租金的重要来源,为了寻求租金,想加入战略联盟中的企业展开博弈。
The excess profit of mining investment belongs to the owner and the proprietor. 矿业投资项目的超额利润归矿主和业主共同所有。
METHODS: Directed by the theory of the barriers to entry of the industry organization theory, the barriers to entry into the international pharmaceutical industry was ordered by using the methods of the excess profit, the enterprise numbers, and the proportion of enterprise scale. 方法:以产业组织理论中的进入壁垒理论为指导,运用产业超额利润率法、企业数目法、企业规模比重法,对我国医药产业的进入壁垒进行排序、分析。
Some of the current textbooks in political economy simply analyze differential land rent II from the angle of formal logic, mixing up the two domains of excess profit and differential land rent in agriculture. 现在的一些政治经济学教科书只是单纯从形式逻辑角度分析级差地租Ⅱ,混淆了农业中超额利润和级差地租这两个范畴,因为从形式逻辑角度分析级差地租Ⅱ似乎不存在。
It can eliminate the "excess profit" which caused by the Deviation or Absolut Deviation which take the exceeding mean-earning rates as risk. 这种做法解决了现有研究以方差或绝对离差表征风险、将高于期望收益的超额收益部分当作风险处理的问题,使资产组合信用风险量化更为真实准确。
To shopkeeper and manufacturer, the information sharing could make both of them get excess profit. 以及实现信息共享能使制造商与零售商获得超额利润,论证了信息共享的价值。
The statistical test based on the Shanghai Composite Index suggested that Variable-Length Moving Rules should be able to gain stable excess profit, which demonstrates that China's stock market is not weakly efficient. 本文首先检验了上证综合指数,研究发现利用可变长度移动平均策略可以在内地股票市场中获得显著的超额收益,这说明内地证券市场并未有达到完全的弱式有效。
The mineral resources original value ( the mineral resources before exploration) reflects the excess profit, which includes the absolute differential rent and the first differential rent. 未经勘查的矿产资源即有原有价值,体现为超额利润&绝对矿租和第一形态级差矿租。
The added-value contributed by management labor is a part of the excess profit contributed originally by management innovation. 管理劳动所创造的价值增值主要来源于管理创新所实现的超额利润。
Goodwill and core competence of the corporation are two very similar concepts, which confuses the resource of excess profit of enterprise and leads to extremely distort the fact of the accounting records and the value of enterprise that have been recognized by market. 商誉与企业核心竞争力是两个极易混淆的概念,这种混淆不仅掩盖了企业获取超额收益的源泉,而且导致市场认知的企业价值与会计记录的事实发生严重扭曲。
In an economic sense, no one can always gain excess profit in an efficient market. 从经济意义上讲,市场有效性是指没有人能持续获得超额利润。
The author put forward three fundamental principles that should be followed in distributing surplus excess profit. 本论文提出了分割剩余超额利润应该遵循的三个基本原则。
The former is called the graded mine rent and the latter absolute mine rent and they are the excess profit obtained by the equation of existing income value. 前者就是级差矿租和绝对矿租(统称为矿租或矿山地租),是通过收益现值法公式计算出来的超额利润。
Then, after analysing the independence and partnerships among the members of supply chain by using demand function, the total profit of retailer, manufacturer and the whole of supply chain can be calculated. Therefore, the excess profit can be assigned rationally. 再利用需求函数,分析供应链间独立与合作关系,可得出零售商、制造商和供应链总体利润,合理分配额外利润。
The marketing channel is that modern enterprise gains the still more faithful customer and the excess profit means. 分析指出,营销渠道是现代企业获取更多忠诚顾客和利润的触角和工具。
IPOs-underpricing is such a phenomenon that market price is higher than issue price at the beginning of the issue, and through it investor can earn excess profit. 首次公开发行抑价是指上市初期新股的市场价格高于发行价格,投资者可以从中获取超额收益的现象。
Therefore, this paper argues that: transfer of control right can bring excess profit. Finally, this paper presents some machinery industry transfer of control problems policy suggestions, and points out the limitations of this study and the direction of future research. 因此,本文认为:控制权转移确实能为企业带来超额收益。最后本文提出了一些针对机械行业控制权转移存在问题的政策建议,并指出了本文研究的局限性和后续的研究方向。
The establishment of Dominant Design means the establishment of entry barrier, which can enforce its ability to resist risk and achieve excess profit and lock the consumers. 在这个过程中,主导设计的确定,标志着市场进入壁垒的形成,可以大大提高企业抵御风险、获取超额利润和进行消费者锁定的能力,从而增强企业的竞争力。
By comparing the equilibrium solution of the centralized and decentralized decision-making, it found that centralized decision-making can create excess profit for system. 对双渠道三级供应链进行了协调研究。通过对比集中决策的均衡解和分散决策的均衡解,发现集中决策能够为系统创造超额价值。
Each Corp. should pay more attention to the strategic management so as to keep the competitive advantage and get the excess profit. Which strategy should be fixed? 每一个企业都应当重视战略管理,以不断保持竞争优势,获取超额利润。
The core competence is the ability providing enterprises with sustained competitive advantages to ensure enterprises 'status in market and gain excess profit. 核心竞争力能够为企业带来持续竞争优势,以确保企业在市场中的地位和获得超额利润。
With its special monopoly rights, intangible assets bring the excess profit to the enterprise, and convert it to the contribution of company value. 无形资产以其特殊的垄断权利,为企业带来超额收益,并将收益转变为对企业价值的贡献。
Since the core competitiveness of the enterprise presents as strategic resources, micro-credit company can rapidly occupy market position and gain the excess profit through cultivating and enhance their core competitiveness. 核心竞争力是企业的一种巨大的战略资源,小额贷款公司通过培育和提升核心竞争力可以迅速占领市场,赢得超额利润。
In the context of economic globalization, the function and strategic position of technical standard have become increasingly prominent. Standard competition is an important means for developed countries and their enterprises to keep their monopoly status on technology and excess profit. 在当前经济全球化的大背景下,技术标准的作用和战略地位日益突出,标准竞争更是成为发达国家及企业保持其技术垄断地位和超额利润的重要手段。
Among the IT area, setting technical standards on the basis of patents, then guiding the industry development and seeking excess profit has become a competitive weapon of developed countries and international companies, which is profoundly changing the rules of standards competition. 在信息技术等高技术领域,在技术专利基础上创立技术标准,引导产业发展,谋求技术标准带来的垄断利润,已成为发达国家和跨国企业重要的竞争手段。
To verify whether the excess profit is only relevant to operating cash flow, this thesis employs the standard capital asset pricing model, the Fama and French three-factor model to verify whether the excess profit is also influenced by market risk factors. 为了验证这个投资组合的超额收益是否只与现金流量有关,本文进一步利用标准资本资产定价模型、Fama和French(1993)三因素模型,检验这个超额收益是否与市场风险因子有关。
Strategy management is the core competitiveness of the enterprises monopoly, in strategy management, enterprise through innovation, for market opportunities, and get enterprise excess profit. 战略管理的核心是企业的竞争力垄断,在战略管理下,企业通过创新,占得市场先机,获得企业超额利润。